Deal Hotel Book

Friday, June 15, 2012 - Video On Context, the best hotel comparison website, came up with a new unique feature called Video On Context (VOC). This incredible feature will show you virtual trips and attractions near your desired destination. All you need to do is choose a country, a city and a hotel, and you'll see videos of all the great places around ! Currently this system is in its beta phase, and is constantly being improved, so stay tuned for updates ! Here's a short clip :

Isn't it great ? All the information you need for a perfect vacation in one place ! This is what makes the BEST hotel comparison service EVER ! Wonderful innovative features that let you know that you, the potential customer, are the most important part in all this !

We have more updates coming soon, so stay tuned !

1 comment:

  1. That's a great feature. I hope more websites will use it. Great job !
